
VERG and Firewise
complement each other

VERG Inspires and Trains Residents to:

  • Be Informed –Ensuring residents sign up for critical alerts
  • Plan – Communication & Evacuation plans
  • Prepare – encouraging residents to create and maintain Go Bags, Car Kits, Stay Kits
  • Communicate – VERG Radio Network, emails, and texts keep residents informed
  • Organize – Neighborhood Leaders and Village Coordinators comprise a network supporting preparedness and action

Firewise focuses on neighbors being active participants in building a safer place to live. They urge acting through:
Creating Defensible Space, Fire Smart Landscaping practices, Neighborhood Assessment and Activity Planning, Local Solutions for risk mitigation

Firewise urges local solutions to reduce the risk of wildfire and provides resources to help each site achieve their agreed-on goals. It also encourages and empowers neighbors to work together to take action which creates a stronger neighborhood bond.

The tangible and intangible benefits for property in a recognized Firewise USA site or neighborhood include:

FRAMEWORK FOR ACTION:  The Firewise USA program provides your neighbors with a framework for reducing the risk of wildfire.  Meeting the criteria for becoming a Firewise USA™ site helps communities get organized and find direction for their wildfire safety efforts.

LEARN ABOUT WILDFIRE: As neighbors go through the process, they learn about wildfire risks in the community and the simple things they can do to reduce them. They connect with experts – local fire fighters, state forestry professionals, and national researchers – to learn about fire and find resources to accomplish fire-safe actions.

PEACE OF MIND: People who work with experts to learn about wildfire and take action start to see results quickly. Knowing that they are using the best information available and actually taking steps to reduce the risk of damage from fire helps people start to feel safer in their environment and in their homes.

COMMUNITY-BUILDING: As neighbors get together to do work, they build a stronger bond with each other. Activity can help rally people to a common cause for the good of the neighborhood.

MARIN COUNTY leads the country in the number of recognized Firewise sites – to learn more about Firewise in Marin and see a list of sites click here:

Nearly 20 Woodacre residents have formed a committee to lead the Woodacre Firewise site recognition process.  The Woodacre Firewise team, with the support of FIREsafe Marin, conducted a walking assessment of Woodacre. They recommend that the residents take 3 simple and meaningful actions today to make our community safer:

  1. Install clearly visible street numbers so firefighters and emergency responders can easily find your house.
  2. Keep leaf litter and debris cleaned up for dramatic fire risk reduction.
  3. Move all flammable material like firewood, lumber, etc. a safe distance from houses or from other buildings.


Visible Address Signs:  First responders need to be able to find your residence at any time – but especially in emergencies. The more you help make their job easier, the faster they can move through neighborhoods helping everyone. Napa Firewise has great information about address signs which can be found here:

Address Sign Specifications: 4” Reflective numbers on a contrasting background, double-sided. Common sized aluminum green signs are 6”x18” or 6”x20”.  Signs can be ordered here:

SmartSign Amazon


The Firewise USA program connected the Woodacre team with experts to help them create a plan to reduce fire risk. Firewise uses the best information available and encourages doable steps to reduce the risk of damage from wildfire. This approach helps people start to feel safer in their community and their homes. The Woodacre Firewise team will be reaching out to Woodacre residents to share these steps and inspire residents to act.

As neighbors become organized and inspired, and act to achieve a common goal, they build a stronger bond with each other. Firewise activity in VERG Neighborhoods can rally people to a common cause for the good of the neighborhood and the good of the community

Other Valley sites are being organized and will start assessments and planning soon.

Here are contacts for all current or planned Valley sites:

Woodacre Firewise Site: Michael Bergman –

Forest Knolls Firewise Site: Meegan Potter –

Lagunitas Firewise Site: Andy Flick –

Arroyo Area Firewise Site: Stephanie Fein –